Invitation to the Substitute General assembly of company F & S Invest a.s.

25. 11. 2024 category: valná hromada

Serdar Altinbas

Alkent 2000 Mah., Gardenya Sk. Alkent 2000 Yeditepe Sitesi No. 11 Is Kapi No. 7, Büyükçekmece / Istanbul, Republic of Turkey


Figen Aslan Tandogan

Sariyer, Havantepe, Haydardogu Sk. 78, Istanbul, Republic of Turkey



Invitation to the Substitute

General assembly

of company


F & S Invest a.s., with its registered office in Prague 1, Loretánské nám. 109/3, Postal Code 118 00, Identification No.: 247 13 058, registered within the Commercial register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, Inset 16354 (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”)



Dear shareholders,




In accordance with legal regulation as amended and the By-laws of the Company, I hereby convene a substitute General Meeting which shall be held on December 12, 2024, at 1 p.m., at the registered office of the Company, with the same agenda as the General Meeting convened on November 21, 2022 at 1 p.m., which was not held due to the absence of both shareholders.




Agenda of the Substitute General assembly:


1. Opening of the general assembly


2. Election of the chairman of the general assembly, verifier of the minutes and minutes clerk – proposal: Mr. Mustafa Türkmen, born January 6, 1945, address Karla IV. 402, 252 19 Drahelčice, as chairman of the general assembly and the verifier of the minutes of the general assembly, Mr. Josef Doseděl, born November 21, 1985, permanent address Čínská 1036/8, Bubeneč 160 00, as the minutes clerk

3. Approval of the financial statement for the accounting year 2023, economic results and proposal on its distribution and report on the relations between the controlling entity and the controlled entity

4. Statement of the supervisory board on the examination of the financial statement for the accounting year 2023, economic results and proposal on its distribution and report on the relations between the controlling entity and the controlled entity

5. Approval of the financial statements for the accounting year 2023 and proposal on distribution of the economic results


Economic results in the accounting year 2023:


The Company reached negative economic result in 2023, i.e. CZK – 1.018,426.34.


The ordinary financial statement for accounting year 2023 and the report on relations can be viewed at the registered office of the Company until the day of the General meeting.


6. Conclusion



Proposed resolutions of the general assembly:



Ad 2) Proposed resolution:


Bodies of the general assembly are elected as follows: Mr. Mustafa Türkmen as the chairman of the general assembly and the verifier of the minutes of the general assembly, Mr. Josef Doseděl as the minutes clerk.




The General assembly must elect the bodies of the general assembly according to Section 422 of Act No. 90/2012 Coll., on business corporations and cooperatives.


Ad 4) Proposed resolution:


The General meeting acknowledges report of the supervisory board on examination of the financial statements for accounting year 2023, economic results and proposal on its distribution, report on the relations between the controlling entity and the controlled entity.



The duty of the supervisory board to inform the General meeting about the examination follows from the legal regulation as amended.


Ad 5) Proposed resolution:


The General meeting approves the ordinary financial statements for the accounting year 2023 and transfer of the loss to the account of the Accumulated losses of the previous years.




The duty to approve financial statements and decide on distribution of the profits or to cover the loss follows from the legal regulation as amended.



  • Financial statement for 2023



This invitation has been executed in Czech and English version. In case of any discrepancies, the Czech version shall prevail.